Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chapel in the Mountains

There are times in my life where I am completely smacked in the face with the fact that God is so much bigger than I make Him out to be. His plans are so much more vast, His arms outreach so much further, and the history of my faith moves back so much further than where we are right now.
I had such a moment the other day. I was driving back through the mountains, on my way home from visiting potential retreat sites for our winter retreat next year, when I saw it in the distance.
In the middle of the mountains on this rock surrounded by water, was this little chapel. It had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I don't know how long it's been there, but I do know it is considered an historical site.
The stone walls were breathtaking, the stained glass glistened in the sun. It was as though I had stumbled upon the best place in the whole world to pray. A place with breathtaking views, and clean crisp mountain air. The knowledge that probably hundreds of people before had come here to pray almost crushed my heart in.
God is so much bigger than we are. So much bigger than our denominations, our church governments, our theologies. We can never define him or capture him. He is so much wider and bigger than we can ever conceive, and in that moment I felt the mystery of it all. That made me stand in awe of the amazing creator, that though bigger than I, desires to be with me.

1 comment:

barrentree said...

It looks so beautiful Rob!